Birth Trauma Healing and Birth Preparation with EMDR
In this video we're chatting with Jenna Hamm, MSW, RSW, RYT about using EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) to help women heal from traumatic birthing experiences, prepare for labour if they've experienced birth trauma before or have a history of...

Why would you want to do pelvic floor physiotherapy during pregnancy?
Have you been skeptical about trying pelvic floor physio? I get it. When I recommend it to my massage and doula clients some are not sure if they want to try it. Will it be invasive? What will they do? Why would I need to do that? We are joined by Maryline Shewchuk,...

Our Gift Card Guide for Pregnant and New Moms
We've created our Gift Card Buying Guide so you have all the information you need to buy the pregnant woman or friend in your life a wonderful gift! Lately I have been flooded with people asking questions about how to buy a Gift Card and for what amount and...