Natalie’s Birth Story (Winnipeg Birth)
Alecia Anna born 41 Weeks and 3 Days So this is how it all began...I came in for an ultrasound on July 30th at 11:15 to see how the baby was doing. After looking around for a while they didn't like what they saw she wasn't moving for them and something about the...
Interview with Julie at Safe Harbour Therapy Winnipeg
A few weeks ago I did a thing. Julie, the owner of Safe Harbour and I sat down and talked all about Prenatal and Postpartum Massage Therapy services that I offer in Winnipeg, Manitoba. To learn more about the many benefits of Prenatal Massage click here. To...

Midwife, Doctor or Doula?
When I tell people I’m a doula, I am often met with the response “WOW, so you deliver babies?!” Well, no. I think you’re thinking of a midwife. Or midway through massaging my pregnant clients I get asked, “And you’re a doula too right?” Followed shortly...