How I Got Started With Craniosacral Therapy
When I was in my second year of Massage Therapy schooling I was introduced to Craniosacral Therapy. I was having a lot of headaches, migraines and jaw pain at the time and every time I had a massage at school it almost seemed to aggravate things even more. One...

Q&A with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Everything you need to Know About Seeing A Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist During Pregnancy or After Birth. In talking with clients during massage sessions I get a fair amount of questions about Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. I thought I would get some of these questions...

When to see a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist During Pregnancy
I thought my first pregnancy was uncomfortable, but I was in for a real surprise with Baby #2! I did all the things, massage, chiro, etc., and decided to go see a pelvic floor physio in my 2nd trimester just to see what it was all about. I figured I work in this...