How to Induce Labour Naturally

How to Induce Labour Naturally

I get asked all the time how to get labour started from pregnant women who are either trying to avoid a medical induction or are so uncomfortable they can’t bear to be pregnant any longer. Some of these women are asking once they hit 36 weeks because they...

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10 Essential Oils You Need to Try during Pregnancy

10 Essential Oils You Need to Try during Pregnancy

My second pregnancy is when I really started to rely on essential oils for everything. From stress to a stuffed up nose, to mood swings, insomnia, nausea to physical back pain. I later used it during labour and into the postpartum period. I started using...

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Digestion and Reflexology

Digestion and Reflexology

One of the most valuable and noticeable benefits of reflexology is improving digestion. Time and time again one of the most noticeable things people report after having a reflexology session is that they had a great bowel movement afterwards. When your...

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