Placenta Encapsulation
Professional Placenta Encapsulation provided in Winnipeg, Steinbach and Southeast Manitoba.
Support yourself with a smoother transition in early postpartum by nourishing yourself with your own nutrient rich placenta.

Some of the Self-Reported Benefits of Postpartum Placental Consumption include:
-Alleviated Postpartum Bleeding
-Enhanced Uterine Involution (contracting)
-Improved and Accelerated Healing and Recovery
-Reduced Maternal Postpartum Pain
-Prevention or Treatment of Anemia
-Improved Lactation
-Facilitated Bonding with Newborn
-Increased Strength and Vitality
-Accelerated Weigth Loss Postartum
-Prevention and Relief of Headaches
-Treatment and Prevention of Hypothyroidism
-Replenishment and Regulation of Hormones
-Improved Quality of Sleep
-Increased Libido
Are you wanting to support your mood, energy levels and more postpartum?
Placentas are rich is so many nutrients and hormones including:
–Minerals, Trace Elements and Vitamins (ie. selenium, iron, etc) aiding in providing energy during postpartum
–Oxytocin aids lactation, mother baby bonding and reduces anxiety
–Prostaglandins reduces inflammation, aid healing birth injuries/strain
–Estrogen improves mental clarity and boosts mood, has anti-inflammatory properties
–Progesterone improves mental clarity and general cognitive function, lowers anxiety
–Prolactin increases milk production
–Endorphins and Opiods are natural pain relievers
–Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) stress fighting hormone that increases emotional stability
–Serotonin aids sleep regulation, weight, mood and clearer cognition
*It’s important to rememeber that with all things, results may vary person to person

My personal experience with placental consumption was amazing. I encapsulated both of my placentas with my children and with my firstborn I noticed huge benefits in energy levels and feeling really clear headed. I recovered really quickly physically. With my secondborn it was just really supportive and gentle in supporting my mood and sleep.
~Lori Pohl, Gaia Mama Wellnes Owner
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the process work?
We take care of everything start to finish. We pick up your placenta within 24 hours of your birth from either your birth location or home and then bring it home to begin processing it. We inspect the placenta to ensure it is safe for consumption and then begin the preparation process. We clean/rinse it and depending on whether you choose Raw or TCM inspired preparation we slice, dehydrate and grind up your placenta and place into capsules. With TCM inspired preparation there is an added step of steaming your placenta gently with herbs and spices for a warming effect. Once with had created your capsules we drop them off for your consumption with directions for usage.
How Sanitary is this?
Very. We take this very seriously and it is our utmost priority to prepare you placenta in a safe and sanitary environment. Part of the training in becoming a professional placenta encapsulator is that we obtain our Food Handlers Certificate and Blood Borne Pathogens Training to ensure safe and quality service for our clients
What is the difference between RAW and TCM Inspired Preparation?
The Raw Preparation is exactly that. Preparing your Placenta without any additional steps. It usually yields a higher quantity of capsules and retains more of the nutrients than the TCM version. It tends to be very potent and energizing. This method, however is not ideal for a woman who suffers from anxiety, insomnia, hyperthyroidism or has a sensitivity to caffeine as it may be overstimulating for her.
The TCM inspired method involves light steaming of the placenta with herbs and spices. In Traditional Chinese Medicine they say that birth and birthing the placenta put the mother into a yin (cold) energy state and by steaming the placenta with warming herbs (yang) it is balancing, nourishing and warming.
How long does it take for me to get my capsules once you pick up my placenta?
About 2-3 days.
How do I reserve your services for my due date?
We require a deposit of $100 to book services for your due date. The remainder is due at 37 weeks.
We set up a quick virtual prenatal meeting for around 37 weeks to go over any remaining questions you may have and how to properly store your placenta until I pick it up.
Investment :
Encapsulation: $295+ GST
Includes a Placenta Print and Cord Keepsake
$245 until Nov 1st, 2023